Monday, September 30, 2019

Ernest Hemingway Essay

Ernest Hemingway is one of the writers that define American Literature. Although he accomplished much in reputation and status due to his novel, his most celebrated works have always been his short stories. His short stories, which are known for their simple language and artful prose, are often seen as a reflection of his life. It can indeed be seen through several of the plots he penned that he was drawing out his own life experiences such as his portrayal of himself as a macho man, his relationship with the women in his life, war and death and of course alcohol. Noting this Martin Scofield rightly states, â€Å"the personal experience on which he frequently drew directly in his writing was full of confusing tension and conflict – between masculine and feminine elements in his personality, between admiration for the physical courage and a growing disillusion with violence, and between the optimism of youth and physical energy, and the inevitable depredation of old age and death. In his short stories we see vividly developed snapshots of turmoil, precise delineations of individual fragments of disparate experience.† (Scofield 139). The kind of heroes that the author went to write about in his book were a direct reflection of the kind of man he wanted to be. The male protagonist has an aura of dignity and an unwavering integrity about them. Compromise is not known to these characters in most instances. In fact both male and female characters that were created by Hemingway are more often than not, defiant of the society that they exist in and continually go against the societal norms and expectations. Hemingway was by nature a macho man. His life has shown us his indulgences in great adventures. The time he spent in wars, hunting and sport is reflected in several of his works. The kind of heroes Hemingway wrote about will probably not suffice today; torn soldiers, and death defying hunters, adventurers and bullfighters made up his works, but that these characters exhibited a personal code of honesty and decency. Harvey Claflin Mansfield rightly categorized the author’s personality in his book ‘Maniliness’, â€Å"Hemingway was a macho fellow and a seeker of adventure when coupled with fun†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Mansfield 52). An example of this can be taken from his short story ‘Indian Camp,’ where the physician is neither concerned with his lack of anesthetic and equipment nor the screaming patient. In true alpha male mode, he goes onto deliver a child with a jack-knife.   His complete lack of interest in the women’s pain, which normally affects people, and the way he goes onto admire his work as though it was a non-living thing gives off a very sadistic and stereotypical macho essence. At the same time we can compare the physician’s character to the American Indian man who slit his throat and died during his wife’s giving birth. That man did not have the courage and strength to face the ordeal that his wife was going through, unlike the physician who seemed to think nothing of it. And like that Hemingway continuously writes about men that could stand up to things and endure things. The strength which he at times referred to ‘grace under pressure’ was reflective of the kind of man that does not succumb to his problems. His story of the bull fighter can also be seen as an example of this very thing, where the protagonist ignores injuries to enter battle. Explaining the development of the characters through the developments in Hemingway’s life, John Campbell noted, â€Å"In the 1920s, Hemingway began to develop a public role for himself in an attempt to show people how a writer acts when not writing. He became comfortable with this role and wrote essays for Esquire Magazine that reflected a person, outdoorsman image of a very physical man; he made a safari to Africa in the 1930s, killed big game, and so on. His male characters began to resemble this image and became more â€Å"Active† in the 1930s and 1940s. Readers often associate this macho image with Hemingway, but it is difficult to generalize about men in his work, since the early male characters are vulnerable and the later ones – more independent – have a sense of â€Å"toughness† strength and masculinity.†Ã‚   (Campbell 251) Hemingway wrote extensively throughout his career. One of the main recurring themes that can be seen in his short stories is that of war and death. He participated in the First World War as an ambulance driver under the Red Cross. It was during his term in Italy that he had his first love affair and was also injured. As a part of the Italian infantry he was awarded two decorations by the Italian government as well. It was his time here that he witnessed first hand the ruthlessness and stoic attitude of soldiers around him. Much of his observations later became part of his works. His time as a war correspondent in span also influenced his work. The events of the civil war that took place in Spain greatly affected him. â€Å"The Spanish civil war stories have two characteristics in common. The first-person narrator in all of them is obviously Hemingway himself, correspond dent, film-maker, raconteur, and famous personage. The second characteristic is that the real subject of all these stories, as well as the play, is the political nature of the conflict. Philips Rawlings, the main character in the ‘Fifth Column’ is also substantially autobiographical and the ‘girl,’ Dorothy Bridges, is clearly based on Martha Gellhorn, as is the girl in the story ‘Landscapes with Figures† (Donaldson 236). The stories are his version of events and how he saw the war. Most of the material is based on first hand information and as he experienced it. His short stories poignantly portrayed soldiers that left behind and lived with legacies of combat. In ‘Soldier’s Home,’ Krebs is the disillusioned veteran that comes back to home to find himself without a spiritual home. He is out of place, alienated from his family, religion and society. Hemingway’s examination of the war torn characters can also bee seen through Nick Adams. Some critiques have linked the short stories to a potential autobiographical connection and their thematic treatment to the various stages the characters go through i.e. Nick’s stages of recovery from his physical and psychological war wounds which mirror the one’s Hemingway suffered himself. It is Hemingway who in the third-person story supports the fundamental idea of Nick’s physical and spiritual recovery and renewal. It can be taken in view that writing was a form of catharsis for the author and through writing about his ordeal he managed to work through his anxiety of war (to an extent). We can see through the stories, glimpses of Hemingway’s own pain and anguish. When he returned from war ridden areas he was deeply affected. The effects of his experiences were heavy influences on his work and gave them a new sense of life. Hemingway had extremely turbulent relationships with the women in his life. His love stories are ruled by conflict between men and women whose lives are always stuck in some momentum of great tension and problems, or an extremely vivid change. He was married to four different women and was infamous for his multiple affairs. If one was to look at Hemingway’s life, one would notice that he lacked the will to stick to one woman. At some point and time breaking things off and moving on stopped giving him the guilt it once did and women became just a habit for him. His relationships with women affected his work a great deal; Paul Reuban went onto prove this in his work when he wrote that, â€Å"His [Hemingway’s] writing also reflected his trouble with relating to women and his tendency to treat them as objects, as he had four marriages and countless affairs, highlighting his theme of alienation and disconnection [in his work].† It was his guilt over women that led him to the bottle and subsequently drenched him in depression. He could not move past his guilt quickly enough before he moved onto the next woman. In his entire life he repeatedly cheated on all the women he was   with; it was a vicious cycle of finding love, breaking love by finding someone else, getting depressed over his actions, finding someone else to get out of the depression. An example of the effect that his love life had on his work can be seen in ‘Hills like White Elephants,’ which was written after Hemingway had cheated on his wife Hadley with her own friend Pauline Pfeiffer. When Hemingway asked for a divorce, Hadley placed a condition of a separation between him and Pfeiffer for a certain period of time; if he remained in love even after that time he was to be granted the divorce. It was during this period that he wrote the story. The biggest similarity between his life and the short story is that in either a family member or loved one was being separated. The story which centers on a conversation between a man and a woman show that the man is the authority. The poor communication skills between the two also reflect that their relationship might end. Perhaps Hemingway himself saw this as Hadley and himself which poor communication was ending up in the death of something that connected them, in the case of the characters this would be the unborn child. When in Italy, Hemingway had a love affair while he was wounded in this duration. The effects of this can be seen in his works as well. In ‘A very short story,’ the injured solider who is found on the Italian front has a love affair with a nurse who tended to him. Just like Hemingway himself who fell in love with Agnes Von Kurowsky. As the story goes, the nurse later leaves the solider for an Italian officer. â€Å"‘A very short story’ ranks as one of Hemingway’s least effective stories. Behind a pretense of objectivity, it excoriates the faithless Agnes. Even four years after the jilting, he was too close to his subject matter to achieve the requisite artistic distance†¦ twice again he explored the subject of love between a wounded soldier and his nurse†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Beegal 105). Throughout his work it will be seen that he advocates the kind of courage in the world where men must survive without women, which goes against the work itself because it is based largely on this mother, sisters, wives, lovers etc. Hemingway’s works paved way for an entirely new genre of writing. He used plain simple language to give voice to his stories. Much of his work, when it comes to short stories, is greatly influenced by his life and it can be seen through the various example given herewith, how his life was a muse to him. His relationships with women and subsequently alcohol, his experiences at war and the death that he saw, and his ideas on masculinity and manhood were some of the basic ideas that he infused with his writings to form the basis of many of his stories. Hemingway may have been gifted but he very conflicts that he tried to work out through his writings, and the very tensions that he wrote about, subsequently became the reason he took his own life.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Dietrich Bonhoeffer: a Pastor’s Response to Nazism.

Scholar, theologian, professor, pastor, visionary, double agent, conspirator, and martyr are some of the attributes associated with Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The manner in which Dietrich was reared lent a hand to the path he took as a young man, his family having the means to properly educate him and his siblings gave him a thirst for knowledge. That thirst lead him to pursue an academic career as a theologian, and later his work as a theologian lead him to be a pastor. Bonhoeffer lived in the midst of a severe moral and political ineptness yet he continued to hold to the truths of Scripture while his fellow countrymen were walking the slippery slope of Nazism. The ideals Bonhoeffer held to heart were constantly under attack from the oppressive government under which he lived. The result of this oppression was at first productive in the development of Dietrich's theology and his resolve to teach the next generation of pastors to hold true to the gospel in the midst of oppression. Later this oppression led Bonhoeffer to leave Germany for the United States this trip was short lived as Dietrich soon resolved he must return to Germany upon his return he joined a conspiracy to assassinate Adolf Hitler. Bonhoeffer's decision to conspire against Hitler ultimately led to his imprisonment and death. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was born in February 1906 to Karl Bonhoeffer and Paula von Hase Bonhoeffer. Karl Bonhoeffer was an esteemed professor of neurology and psychiatry at the University of Berlin and also served at Chairte Hospital in Berlin serving in the psychiatric unit. The Bonhoeffer family consisted of eight children including Dietrich, there were four boys and four girls. There were 3 older boys, Karl-Friedrich, Walter (who perished in World War 1) and Klaus. The older girls were Ursula and Christine, Dietrich had a twin sister Sabine and to complete the family was Susanne. Karl Bonhoeffer was an agnostic while Paula came from a family of theologians. â€Å"The household was not notably religious. The conventional Bible-story Christian nurture was supplied in the children's early years, the two governesses were pious young women, a simple blessing was always asked at table- and that was it. Dr. Bonhoeffer and the older children were all of scientific or legal bent; an unaggressive agnosticism prevailed among them. †[1] Coming from the environment stated above made things interesting when as a young teenager Dietrich informed his parent that he wanted to study theology. This came as a shock to his family as they thought he would pursue music due to his abundant skills in this area. His father thought the sedentary life of a pastor was not a good fit for his son, but after seeing how he lived he knew that it was the right path for him. Paula Bonhoeffer was trained as a teacher at the university and home-schooled all her children until they were ready to enter the German Gymnasium which was a college preparatory school. Dietrich started his study of theology at Tubingen at age seventeen. He excelled in his studies to the point that he finished his dissertation, titled Sanctorum Communio; â€Å"The Communion of Saints,† by the time he was twenty-one years of age. Over the next few years Dietrich would travel to Barcelona, Spain back to Berlin, and then to the United States. While in the United States he studied and taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York City. He did all this traveling because he was too young to be ordained. This gave Dietrich the ability to pursue his studies more and focus his career on teaching and not pastoring a church. While in New York he made a habit of worshipping with an African-American congregation and teaching Sunday School. While in the United States he also was introduced to many ideas such as pacifism, social justice, and ecumenism. â€Å"He (Dietrich) encountered a pacifism that was rooted in the Sermon on the Mount- personified in the French theologian and friend Jean Laserre. [2] The idea of pacifism is one that Dietrich accepted whole heartedly he believed that man could not justify war. His pacifism lead to an internal struggle when the Nazis came to power and started to persecute and kill the Jews. During his years of study Bonhoeffer became acquainted with the teachings of Karl Barth. Barth and his writings influenced young Bonhoeffer to pursue theology to it's fullest and not be boxed into the lib eral theology taught at the University of Berlin. Bonhoeffer struck up a friendship with Barth that lasted until the end of his life. Dietrich would spend time with Barth at his home in Bonn and they would talk theology, they would criticize each others work and challenge each other in their views of what it means to be a Christian and a part of the church. These meetings continued even after Barth moved to Switzerland in the face of Nazi persecution. These meetings and letters helped Bonhoeffer explore his theology outside the bounds of the university. Upon returning from his year of sabbatical in New York Dietrich continued his teaching position and the University of Berlin. This was all happening about the same time Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime was slowly gaining power in the government and in popularity among the people. When Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany things were started to change but the full extent of the Nazi's plan was not yet revealed. Dietrich saw that trying times were ahead for those who were God seekers, this was due to the fact that shortly after the political election there was a call for church elections. Among the churches in Germany there were conflicts over the rise of the Nazi party. There were some pastors and Bishops who would not preach Nazi propaganda, so Hitler called for church elections to fill the offices with his supporters. There was some resistance to just letting them take over but this small remnant did not have control over the mob. With the church now under control of the Nazis, those who saw a great contradiction between Nazi Christianity and true Christianity were left with no option but the start their own church. This was allowed by the Nazis but they kept a close eye on them. This new group was called the Confessing Church they were an evangelical remnant that had not been persuaded by the masses. On the day of the church election Dietrich preached this, â€Å"of you who have lost your church, †¦ let us go together in search of the eternal church. †[3] This group of believers who opposed the Nazis were trying to speak reason and the truth of Scriptures to the German people. Dietrich was among the founding members of the Confessing Church and helped pen the Bethel Confession which was their statement of belief. He used the formation of the Confessing Church to push his passion for ecumenism among the churches. In 1933 while the Confessing Church was forming Dietrich decided to take a post in London. Some of his colleagues like Karl Barth accused him of leaving his church while it was burning, but Dietrich thought he needed some time away because his thoughts were not well received even among friends. While in London he pushed for ecumenical relationships between the churches in England and elsewhere to condemn the German Christian Movement which allowed the Nazis to take control of the church. To this end he was not very successful. He also caught the eire of church leaders in Germany who sent Theodor Heckel the foreign affairs minister to London to instruct Bonhoeffer to not engage in ecumenical activity not authorized by Berlin, a warning not heeded by young Dietrich who was just twenty-seven years of age in 1933. After two years in London Dietrich returned to Germany, the Confessing Church had lost it's momentum. The Confessing Church was still going and since it was not recognized as a state church it had to train its pastors in an underground seminary. The church invited Dietrich to lead their seminary called Finkenwalde. It was here the Dietrich wrote the books Life Together and The Cost of Discipleship. The former came from his time as the leader of Finkenwalde Seminary. The latter is a study of the Sermon on the Mount. In 1936 Dietrich was declared a pacifist and an enemy of the state by Theodor Heckel. For the next few years Dietrich lived in the community of Finkenwalde with his students and taught them monastic and communal living as they open the Scriptures together to prepare these men for the ministry in the true church that was opposing the counterfeit church of the German Christian Movement. They had a few years of great ministry that was funded by benefactors who believed in the ideals of the Confessing Church. In 1938 Bonhoeffer was banned from Berlin, two years later the Gestapo came and closed down the seminary and arrested some of its pastors. At this time Dietrich was offered a position to teach at Union Theological Seminary in New York, an offer he initially accepted. Dietrich was trying to escape in to the safety of the United States to avoid serving in the military and having to deal with living under the oppressive Nazi regime. Upon arriving in the U. S. Dietrich worked with German refugees and emigrants, a job that posed my challenges for him. Bonhoeffer wrote in the Cost of Discipleship, â€Å"'Costly grace is the sanctuary of God,' he writes. And, ‘faith is only real when there is obedience. ‘[4] These words tugged at Dietrich's heart because he knew where he should be and what God had called him to do but choose the easy road. â€Å"on June 30, 1939, Dietrich wrote these words to Paul Lehmann, ‘I can hardly find it in my heart to tell you that †¦ I have had to decide to return to Germany,'†[5] The words here seem to echo the actions of Jesus in John 4:4 â€Å"and he must needs go through Samaria† (KJV). This has the same idea as Dietrich and his return to Germany. Jesus could have gone around Samaria as all the Jews did, but he had a divine appointment with that woman at the well and the people of Samaria. Dietrich was having the same feeling that he must return to Germany but he did not have to. He was living what he had written â€Å"faith is only real when there is obedience. †[6] The following was written to Dietrich's friend Reinhold Neibuhr in a farewell note, â€Å"I have made a mistake in coming to America. I must live through this difficult period of our national history with the Christian people of Germany. I will have no right to participate in the reconstruction of Christian life in Germany after the war if I do not share the trials of this time with my people. †[7] This shows God's call for Dietrich to follow him. Dietrich and his friends knew he was returning to a hostile place where he would be either be drafted into the military or face severe persecution. Upon his return to Germany Dietrich made contact with his brother-in-law Hans von Dohnanyi who was a member of the military counterintelligence service called Abwehr. The Abwehr was the center of a small German resistance whose goal was to assassinate Hitler and overthrow the government. Dietrich was given a role as a double agent in the Abwehr in 1940, from that point he was fully integrated into what was called the German Resistance. He would have secret meetings with pastors and leaders from other countries as he pretend to be gathering information for the Nazi government, while really plotting against them. It is at this point where people have trouble following Bonhoeffer's theology and reconciling his beliefs with his actions. There are a couple of ways to deal with this portion of his life. Looking at these two seeming seemingly incompatible thought processes one could assume that Bonhoeffer had fallen off his rocker but it helps us to see how he reconciled this. Bonhoeffer precisely advocates patience when he puts forth as a concrete command of God the saying ‘resist not evil. ‘ By this he means: struggle against the enemy, but avoid idolizing him. Keep him unimportant . Failure to struggle is submission to the enemy and not to God. †[8] As Bonhoeffer looked at the situation he must resist the evil that was surrounding him, and to do that he would have to go to extreme measures and challen ge the ideals he came to hold so dear in the midst of such moral depravity. He saw resisting evil as a command in the loose sense. Dietrich wrote about a religionless Christianity in which a mature Christian steps outside the structure of the church and enters the world to enact change through the things he has been taught and learned from Scripture and the church. Woelfel writes the following about Bonhoeffer: â€Å"As the integrated man that he was Bonhoeffer pioneered ‘religionless- Christianity' indeed as well as in word. His full secular involvement in the German Resistance during the war is the supreme example, but throughout his life he was a vigorously world affirming Christian. [9] This idea of religionless Christianity lets a follower of Christ fully engage his world while leaving the confines of the church. This was one ting that Bonhoeffer had lived at as well as wrote in his final years. Many look at Bonhoeffer’s writings in Prison and his work titled Ethics and see the man who was deeply committed to his faith and also a man who was torn by what was an ethical Christian to do in the m idst of such atrocities that were being committed by the Nazis. A look back at Bonhoeffer's life brings this into full view as stated thusly, â€Å"for it was while Bonhoeffer was trying to explain his own participation in the lying and double dealing of traitors that he developed the beginnings of what has since become known as situational and contextual ethics: the right and the good and the true seen not as immutable objectives, but as qualities of any action which is appropriate to the loving will of God as the particular possibilities of the immediate situation permit. [10] The argument here is that of when one looks at the situations that they are faced with and think to themselves what is right in the eyes of God. Bonhoeffer was living and arguing that as a Christian we should act in a way that is appropriate for a Christian living in the will of God. Bonhoeffer's was face to face with one of the most reprehensible political regimes in the history of the world, you choose one of two camps, there were those who just threw up their hands an d said there is nothing I can do. The other group were those who said this is unacceptable and do whatever is in their power to fight for what is right in God's eyes. Dietrich was arrested on April 5, 1943 after the documents were discovered that he and his brother-in-law were illegally helping Jews. He would never be a free man again for his part in the German Resistance. He was imprisoned at Tegel military prison for a year and a half to await trial in that time more documents came out that pointed to Bonhoeffer as part of the conspiracy to kill Hitler. In light of this evidence he was transferred from Tegel to a house prison and eventually to Buchenwald concentration camp in February 1945. Approximately two years after his initial arrest information from the chief of Abwehr journals were read by Hitler who in a rage said that all conspirators should be killed. On April 9, 1945 Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hung at Buchenwald concentration camp. He left behind in his legacy his letters to friends and family from prison, and his work Ethics which had yet to be published before his death. When one looks at the life and times of Dietrich Bonhoeffer they see a complex man whose thirst for knowledge and truth were fostered from a young age. As a young man he set is feet on the path of a theologian to open the Bible and pull out the truths laid there in. His study of theology was intellectual yet practical he sought to open the Scriptures and pull Jesus out of them. Bonhoeffer came of age in the pre-third Reich era, but as a young man he came face to face with the Nazis and their oppressive ways. Dietrich used this time in his life to expand his study of theology to grow more matur e in his faith to blaze a trail for himself among his peers. He fought with the social and political issues of his day and sought to fight injustice with truth and intellect but these proved to be ineffective. His work as a theologian was well known among the Confessing Church and it's followers. As Dietrich tried to fight for what was right and true he saw the moral compass of his country go askew. After he had tried all he could he became convinced that the only way to free Germany from this slippery slope was to overthrow the government by assassinating Hitler. His writings have opened the door to the study of ethics when faced with moral depravity, what it means to be and live as the church, and what it costs to follow Christ. His teachings and theology have had an impact from the time they were published into the present. His thought helped usher in a new generation of theologians and how one can see their relationship to the church, culture and community and live and teach in such a way that Christ is on display. Bibliography de Gruchy, John W. â€Å"A Concrete Ethic of the Cross: Interpreting Bonhoeffer's Ethics in North Americas Backyard,† Union Seminary Quarterly 58, no. 1-2 2004. Dramm, Sabine. Dietrich Bonhoeffer: An introduction to his thought. Translated by Thomas Rice. Peabody: Hendrickson. 2007. Ellingsen, Mark. Bonhoeffer, Racism, and a Communal Model for Healing† Journal of Church and State 43, no. 2 Spring 2001. pp 237-249. Gushee, David P. â€Å"Following Jesus to the Gallows,† Christianity Today 39 April 3, 1995 pp. 26-32. Hunt, George L. , ed. Twelve Makers of Modern Protestant Thought. New York: Association Press. 1971. Pp 93-110 Klassen, A. J. , ed. A Bonhoeffer Legac y. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing. 1981 Mehta, Ved. The New Theologian. New York: Harper Colophon, 1965. Miller, Patrick. â€Å"Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the Psalms,† The Princeton Seminary Bulletin 15, no. 3 (1994): 274ff Schliesser, Christine. â€Å"Accepting Guilt for the Sake of Germany: An Analysis of Bonhoeffer's Concept of Accepting Guilt and its Implications for Bonhoeffer's Political Resistance† Union Seminary Quarterly Review 60 2006 no. 1-2. pp. 56-68 Schonherr, Albrecht. â€Å"Dietrich Bonhoeffer: The Message of a Life,† Christian Century, November 27, 1985, pp. 1090-1094. Woelfel, James. Bonhoeffer's Theology: Classical and Revolutionary. Nashville: Abingdon Press. 1970. ——————————— [ 1 ]. George L. Hunt, ed. , Twelve Makers of Modern Protestant Thought (New York: Association Press 1971), 97. [ 2 ]. Sabine Dramm Dietrich Bonhoeffer: An Introduction to His Thought (Peabody, Mass Hendrickson Publishers, 2007), 9 [ 3 ]. Ibid, 157 [ 4 ]. David P. Gushee, â€Å"Following Jesus to the Gallows,† Christianity Today 39, April 3, 1995, 31. [ 5 ]. Ibid [ 6 ]. Ibid [ 7 ]. Ibid, 30 [ 8 ]. A. J. Klassen, ed. , A Bonhoeffer Legacy (Grand Rapids: William B. Erdmans Publishing, 1981) 355-356. [ 9 ]. James Woelfel, Bonhoeffer's Theology: Classical and Revolutionary, (Nashville: Abingdon Press 1970) 253. [ 10 ]. George L. Hunt, ed. , Twelve Makers of Modern Protestant Thought (New York: Association Press 1971), 107-108.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Research skills and techniques education essay

This study high spots and evaluates my personal, academic and professional contemplations throughout this class and applies the acquisition to consideration of my professional pattern and on-going hereafter development. It explores chances for calling waies within and outside of the prison service and how my scope of accomplishments can progress my aspirations every bit good as enhance the environment in which I work. To this terminal, I have critically evaluated my movable accomplishments and their development through this acquisition journey together with chances to heighten these farther. In looking to the hereafter, a revised Professional Development Plan ( PDP ) for ongoing hereafter development has been compiled and included in Appendix I. Many of the acquisition results have been already been covered in some deepness within my PPD5 assignment and I have sought to lucubrate on cardinal countries of these within this paper. Background When foremost offered the chance to set about farther instruction through a Foundation Degree, I was ab initio excited at the chance. However, this shortly gave manner to dismissive ideas of successful completion as unachievable and self uncertainty about my ability to prosecute such a venture which resulted in me non roll uping the application signifier. It was merely when a co-worker, who had done so but decided non to take this forward, passed it to me, that I took the dip. A batch of ego talk was required to see how valuable this chance was for me. I considered that several of my equals would hold similar experiences and feelings which would do a natural and powerful support web significance that I would non be larning in isolation. Later, I was able to reflect and gain that cunctation is a peculiar trait and form of behavior for me, deep rooted in negative scheme ( Beck 1967:233 ) which I have been able to reflect on and compose about at some length throughout my farther instruc tion. Even coming towards the terminal of the Honours Degree ( which I undertook with greater enthusiasm ) , it is still apparent and something to guard against. This has been peculiarly of import in sing what has held me back from prosecuting advanced calling development until late. Brooding Practice: Using a scope of brooding theoretical accounts throughout my farther instruction surveies, I now appreciate how analysis of my accomplishments can assist towards the end of professional promotion and, significantly that of occupation satisfaction. I apply Gibbs ‘ ( 1998 ) Brooding Cycle readily to countries of my personal and professional life developing accomplishments of rating and analysis, both of ego and state of affairss which has led to effectual job resolution and informed decisions as will be illustrated below. Making this efficaciously, I have found, can widen the range for a more in-depth and wider encompassing program for ongoing development which hitherto, has been slightly narrow in its position. In other words, from being resigned to believing â€Å" this is my batch, I ‘ll merely acquire on with it † , to an active desire to use new acquisition, seek more and go motivated for calling patterned advance. Straker ( 2008:172 ) whose work builds on the research of Gardner ( 1983 and 2006 ) summed up the importance of purposeful contemplation for me â€Å" Knowing yourself includes cognizing that there are parts of yourself that you do non cognize and being ready to listen and research these. It besides means sing what parts of yourself you should expose or conceal, based on how it will assist your intent instead than merely based on personal penchant † . The danger of contemplation is that, for a postponer such as myself, one can acquire stuck in ego analysis without making anything about it or utilize the consequences of one ‘s analysis to remain within a ‘comfort zone ‘ . Kolb ( 1984 ) helped to measure my experiences and trial hypotheses about myself, values and work moralss but it did non spur me on to action whereas Gibbs sets out the program for ongoing development which is important for me so as non to stay procrastinating. In PPD5, I considered how Moon ( 2004 ) has been a utile resource on brooding pattern, in peculiar reminding me that contemplation is of import but it must ever take to action and the devising of positive alterations. She stresses the importance of experiential larning which includes contemplation but qualifies this to integrate active acquisition, guaranting purpose to larn and mechanisms of feedback to guarantee the whole procedure is effectual and meaningful for development ( p.122 ) . SchA-n ( 1983 ) explains how, as one becomes more experient, it becomes progressively possible to reflect in action instead than merely after action. This is something I am going more complete at and is peculiarly apparent in critical inciden t state of affairss in my function as a surety negotiant where this has immediate and practical every bit good as personal value. Interestingly the Cycle of Change by Prochatska and Diclemente ( 1982 ) , illustrated in Appendix II, highlights the stages which I can place with through my acquisition, professional and personal journey. I can frequently stay in contemplation and demand to happen the drivers and incentives to avoid oversights but, I am encouraged that these now exist more in copiousness which are sourced from many countries and the Honours Degree has been one of these. I am aware that the classs and feedback I have received throughout my farther instruction have been of a systematically good criterion and this has served as a beginning of encouragement and measuring of advancement and accomplishment. I must keep measurings and ends for my hereafter development and there are agencies in topographic point such as the Staff Personal Development Record ( SPDR ) , in Appendix III and Professional Development Plan ( PDP ) which I can utilize as guideposts and yardsticks. It is of import that, as the current period of survey draws to an terminal, this motive to accomplish continues and I now feel best placed to guarantee this happens..As mentioned in my PPD5 essay, in the yesteryear I have questioned the determination devising procedures of direction though this is being reshaped into a desire to derive a holistic overview of the work environment. â€Å" Get the better ofing expostulations to understanding others, for fright that this might confute our a in theories about ourselves and the universe, are cardinal hurdlings for which I must continually be aware † . ( Elliott, 2011 ) This has besides enabled me to measure what I can offer to functions to heighten the constitution ‘s public presentation. In my first Brooding Essay from January 2007 ( Appendix IV ) I described schema theory and the work of Beck ( 1967 ) . From this I have developed an involvement, non merely in reading of state of affairss which influence our beliefs but, peculiarly, how to develop the stimulation and positive emotional and cognitive drivers for professional and personal wellbeing. In detecting what gets in the manner, instead than being stuck in analysis, to travel beyond and put ends for positive development has been indispensable acquisition for me and reading this first essay shows how far I have come. The focal point of this paper is skills rating but furthermore, the ‘action ‘ stage of my development, placing chances and the practical stairss required for ongoing development. Employability Skills and Development Needs A scope of ego analysis tools have proved helpful in determining and attesting personal accomplishments which pave the manner for ongoing professional satisfaction. This has involved being critical as to what is and may realistically be come-at-able every bit good as widening the range for a scope of calling promotion chances. Using a scope of ego analysis tools I have been able to measure my employability accomplishments and an illustration is in Appendix V. Examining these proved personally satisfying and formed the footing for an in-depth review in a personal SWOT analysis ( Appendix VI ) which I had merely of all time antecedently applied to concerns within the range of the Honours Degree. On completion of this, it seemed logical to me that the values which concerns ascribe to should happen their ‘roots ‘ in the forces employed by the administration as, ideally, they should incarnate the same corporate beliefs, moralss and work patterns. As I will foreground subsequently, this has brought me into struggle with my ain work constitution where, utilizing freshly honed accomplishments of assertiveness and corporate consciousness, I am more readily able to dispute what I may comprehend to be insecure patterns. This has been possible through equilibrating my possible â€Å" failing † of being mission-focussed and developing this alongside effectual and robust empathy towards direction determinations At the clip of composing my Performance and Development record for this twelvemonth has non been recorded but as my SPDR for last twelvemonth ( Appendix III ) illustrates, I can stay pleased that I continue to run into marks set and work collaboratively with others to guarantee that the benefits of development are felt personally and by the administration. I have expanded this farther with creative activity of a new Development Plan ( Appendix I ) in order to keep continuity and on-going development. In order to see the scope of accomplishments necessary to accomplish my ends and aspirations, I completed a Career Values Tool and the study can be found in Appendix VII. To assist with this I referred back to a Personality Type Questionnaire competed for the PPD5 assignment. This was an of import analysis as it accurately highlighted the possible callings which fitted my profile. The function of ‘Counsellor ‘ featured conspicuously which is something I have long been interested in ( by the way, Musician and Actor which are personal involvements and besides featured high in the analysis ) . My functions in piquing behaviour intervention over the old ages have been the beginning of huge personal satisfaction as they met the values and accomplishments which I have enjoyed developing the most. Using the Career Values Tool, I input ‘Counsellor ‘ as an alternate calling pick and it was interesting to observe how this featured against the profile which had me as bal anced between ‘intuitive ‘ and ‘logical ‘ in my attack to work. Featured extremely were communicating accomplishments and my ability to work aboard people and cognizing that my work benefits others. When seen alongside my ‘white knight ‘ mission scheme of desiring to assist others, which can potentially be unhelpful, the balance of taking a logical, measured attack to job resolution is something I now know I possess and is to be worked on continually. The development of analytical accomplishments in my contemplations and undertakings throughout this last twelvemonth have helped to right this balance whereas before, if I had taken the Career Values Tool, I might hold been much further along the ‘intuition ‘ side of the continuum which, is non healthy or helpful for one seeking to develop a managerial function. Equally good as reflective and survey accomplishments, it is of import to develop the practical accomplishments required for current and possible functions. At my SPDR reappraisal subsequently this month I can research the options for this with my line director. The demand to develop concern consciousness, in order to understand corporate scheme in the workplace and enable publicity chances, is ongoing and the last few months have proved to be a testing clip in that respect. This has mostly been due to holding to take a grudge process against the Programmes and Psychology direction for what I perceive to be prejudiced and unethical behavior against myself. Having weighed up the options over the last 12 months or so, this action was the lone possible class and has required a step of focal point, assertiveness and an analytical overview of the state of affairs to do this determination and take this forward. Without this, I would hold reverted back to how I was prior to set abouting farther instruction and left the state of affairs unresolved and dwell in unhelpful contemplation which would hold affected my work and good being. The grudge is continuing at the clip of composing this study and, whatever the result, I can be satisfied that I have taken appropriate stairss to guarantee best ethical pattern and good being for the work force and administration as a whole. This has non been without an emotional response ( admiting this is a strength identified in Gibbs Reflective Cycle, 1998 ) as I do n't wish struggle or ‘rocking the boat ‘ but so, appropriate degrees of self-asserting direction and effectual analysis are important direction accomplishments which I have developed over recent old ages and is ongoing. This is peculiarly of import as I consider options for my hereafter and it is satisfying that I can take the positive accomplishments development acquisition from even the most testing of fortunes. The best step of how appropriate one ‘s actions are in the workplace, I have found, is one ‘s ain values of decency, moralss and duty and, in the above state of affairs, to hold these confirmed and used as my ‘yardstick ‘ for determination devising and professional unity, has proved honoring and queerly ‘comforting ‘ . No 1 should of all time see themselves to be the finished article and being confident in prosecuting continued development is a positive trait. In my instance, this helps to get the better of the scheme driven low self-pride and has surely enhanced a more positive belief for the hereafter. Among the cardinal acquisition experiences for me, alongside the above, are a acknowledgment of the functions of others, networking and effectual communicating. My calling way has involved working closely with and taking an involvement in people, both clients and co-workers likewise. In Appendix X I have conducted my ain accomplishments self assessment which covers a scope of academic and professional countries. This was motivated by a definition of entrepreneurship by Rothstein and Burke ( 2010 ) as 1 who is â€Å" aˆÂ ¦skilled in acknowledging chances, working those chances and making value † ( p.217 ) . Whilst I will ne'er be an Alan Sugar or Duncan Bannatyne, I can be merely as entr epreneurial in my accomplishments base so as to add value to the administration. The fact that support was made available to let this period of survey serves as a reminder that, to some grade, this has already been recognised and how I choose to use this for common benefit is now being considered. Career Appraisal and Development During the Foundation Degree I was able to set about and go through the choice scrutiny for Senior Officer though I was unsuccessful in function drama appraisal. I was, nevertheless, able to take that experience and, instead than call on the carpet or castigate myself and brood in diffidence as I antecedently would hold, I have decided to take the measure of using for and set abouting the appraisal once more later this twelvemonth. For this, I will seek to utilize my Line Manager as wise man together with the preparation section as immediate point of mention and get down to research prison policy, security and direction accomplishments. I am now experiencing positive and motivated to win in this non merely from a practical, self-development position, but besides the pride and sense of accomplishment this will convey. Following the letdown of holding to step down from Sexual activity Offender Treatment work last twelvemonth, I have reappraised my personal development and, utilizing brooding accomplishments developed on the grade surveies, peculiarly Kolb ( 1984 ) to assist measure the experiences and Beck ( 1967 ) to understand how I was construing them. Having specialised in Drug wrongdoer rehabilitation for the last 12 months I can take the benefits of new acquisition and function experience frontward as I return to Sex Offender therapy later this twelvemonth. Pulling together the scope of experience and involvements I have enjoyed over consecutive old ages keeps me, foremost and first, actively engaged in working for and alongside others. This is encouraging and, in this period of alteration, I have come to gain the importance of occupation satisfaction as a cardinal incentive for me. Prosecuting a Counselling making would function as a way to an alternate calling should personal fortunes alteration for me in the hereafter. This could be due to cutbacks in the public sector or an establishment passage to the private sector. This could besides potentially be utilised in my current function should a guidance or mediation map become available which I can reason would value to the constitution. A important country of personal development has been in cardinal accomplishments of assertiveness and dialogue. These were identified early on in my brooding pattern as things I needed to work on. I was able to negociate a function within drugs support holding originally offered an office based appraisal place which I would hold found unfulfilling. Alongside this, within my current grudge process, I have assertively requested a clear professional development way from senior direction which besides ensures that all officer classs in the Programmes squad are offered the same which has, hitherto, been missing. Learning and Continuing Professional Development The Honours Degree has been vastly ambitious and honoring and, despite early frights, has worked in with my societal and work life and has encouraged me to ongoing acquisition and consideration of developing calling chances. There has been utile convergence of the assorted faculties of this class in which the acquisition and contemplations from each have been movable. An illustration is in analyzing ‘Effective Management Decisions ‘ has been of import for my thesis which evaluates Crew Resource Management. Learning to analyze the former, in an nonsubjective manner, has enabled a critical attack for the thesis guaranting the focal point remains on the advantages to concern public presentation and non merely to countries of forces safety which I might otherwise hold concentrated. It has been satisfying that I have been able to utilize the faculties of this class to look at countries which I find personally interesting and disputing which included planing undertakings to make best pattern in wrongdoer direction. Besides, I have long been interested in the commercial air power industry and to research competitory advantage of an air hose was good merriment, whilst besides honoring in the survey accomplishments that were required. Similarly, the thesis which looks at human factors in critical incidents originating from air power accidents takes that same personal involvement but analyses the larning points from that sector and explores what the prison service can profit from this within its ain operations. This seamless larning extends to the old Foundation Degree which I often refer to including the faculty on moralss, cultural consciousness and diverseness where the strong rules I ascribe and have documented, are continually evaluated and applied to my work pattern. It forms the footing of my ‘mission statement ‘ for development as recommended by Covey ( 2004 ) where concentrating who you want to be and what you want to make should be on the values you ascribe to each ( p.106 ) . I am presently researching options for Higher Education such as a Masters Degree every bit good as makings in reding. At this phase, I am diffident as to whether I should these at the earliest chance and go on the impulse of larning or have a twelvemonth interruption in order to pass clip concentrating on my personal life which does necessitate some attending. Whether I choose immediate and specific preparation at this clip or non, I can develop and heighten the accomplishments required for possible future functions in my current place using the preparation section, wise mans and line direction. All of these are portion of my on-going Professional Development Plan so I can keep the motive to maintain personal and professional aspirations at the head of my future work. I am now certain that my farther instruction will go on every bit will the deepness and comprehensiveness of my calling development. With the on-going function in Drugs Support, a move back to Sex Offender Treatment subsequently this twelvemonth, together with the Senior Officer appraisal in October and researching accelerated publicity chances in the prison service, I have much to maintain me motivated and stimulated. These are cardinal drivers for me as I have learnt in my four twelvemonth journey and I can now realistically see a managerial place and research such options. The Honours Degree is regarded as a valuable making both for its relevant content to the Criminal Justice System and Business and Management but besides symbolises the desire and committedness I have and have shown for continued ego development. For me, this highlights how seamless the passage has been through the acquisition journey and that it will go on to be so. This consciousness has made farther instruction and calling patterned advance options less of a mountain to mount but a soft way to enlightenment as some learned and revered adult male of religion likely one time said. A helpful resource has proved to be which I have accessed throughout my surveies. This administration ‘s definition of acquisition is ‘a autonomous, work-based procedure taking to increased adaptative capacity ‘ . hypertext transfer protocol: // [ Accessed 18 February 2011 ] . This highlights the importance of personal duty in utilizing employer resources to develop an ever-widening range for calling development. Appendix VIII shows an infusion which proved helpful in critically measuring my development program and ensured it was appropriate to my demands and abilities every bit good as offering value to the workplace. Decision: I regard my new Curriculum Vitae ( Appendix IX ) as a valid working papers whereas I had considered my old one, prior to get downing Further Education, to be slightly antediluvian, irrelevant and out of day of the month. The nucleus accomplishments I have developed over the old ages and important accomplishments are included which serve as a reminder that, merely as I have now added the Honours Degree ( concluding consequence allowing ) , more is to come. As I look over it now, the passage and acquisition procedure which has brought me to this point in my life now is clearly apparent. I can see the journey of larning and experience I have been on and, with a renewed and positive position of myself and professional development potency, I will bask and use myself to the chances that lie in front. Appendixs: I. Personal and Professional Development Plan II. Cycle of Change ( Prochaska and Diclemente, 1982 ) III. Staff Performance and Development Record ( SPDR ) IV. Reflective Essay ( Jan 2007 ) V. Study Skills Self Assessment VI. SWOT Analysis VII. Career Values Tool VIII. Infusion from CIPD web site IX. Curriculum Vitae Ten. Research and Employability Skills Appendix I Personal and Professional Development Plan Appendix II Cycle of Change ( Prochaska and Diclemente, 1982 ) Appendix II The Cycle of Change: Prochatska and Diclamente ( 1982 ) This illustration is taken from the cyberspace and the beginning is in the bibliography. The rhythm of alteration has 6 stages and, for me, this diagram high spots good the countries at which I can sink, peculiarly contemplation and, hence am encouraged to keep motive. In ‘pre-contemplation ‘ , the individual does non see any job in their current behavior and has non considered there might be some better options. In ‘contemplation ‘ the individual is ambivalent – they are in two heads about what they want to make – should they remain with their existing behaviors and attitudes or should they seek altering to something new? It is this country which I need to be peculiarly on my guard to as non to sink. In ‘preparation ‘ , the individual is taking stairss to alter normally in the following month or so. In ‘action ‘ , they have made the alteration and populating the new set of behavior is an all-consuming activity. In ‘maintenance ‘ , the alteration has been integrated into the individual ‘s life – they are now more ‘enterprising ‘ . Relapse is a full return to the old behavior. This is non inevitable – but is likely – and should non be seen as failure. Often people will Get worse several times before they eventually win in doing a ( more or less ) permanent to a new set of behaviors. Appendix III. Staff Performance and Development Record ( SPDR ) Appendix IV. Infusion From My First Reflective Essay ( Jan 2007 ) Infusion From My First Reflective Essay ( Jan 2007 ) My earliest employment from go forthing school was within the travel industry. From the beginning, I sought to better my practical accomplishments base and enjoyed the challenge of run intoing the demands of clients, budgetary marks, preparation of staff, job resolution, through to the gap and direction of a travel bureau branch several old ages subsequently. Apart from the GCSE makings gained at school, any farther academic or professional acquisition has been gained whilst in employment. Transcripts of certifications attained, both school and work based can be found in the appendix. The accomplishments and accomplishments I have attained in my personal life are every bit movable to my work life. For illustration, as Chairman of a genealogical society for several old ages and public speech production battles both serve as reminders that I have organizational, research and presentation abilities which I can and should be using and developing along my calling way. I have had no formal direction preparation, yet gained important supervisory experience through demoing aptitude and dedication to undertaking, client base and forces. It is of import for me to show, through the Foundation Degree and subsequent preparation that I can larn direction and personal development accomplishments, but besides show I am able to use this acquisition in my work and personal life. At the same clip, I need to concentrate on a specific calling way which includes, in the first case, publicity to Senior Officer. The following logical patterned advance will, hence, be to use for and set about the senior Promotion Examination subsequently this twelvemonth. For this, I need to obtain inside informations of the chief occupation demands for this function and, utilizing my Line Manager as wise man and the preparation section as immediate point of mention, get down to research prison policy, security, direction accomplishments and preparation chances. Whilst I have considered project this before, I am now experiencing positive and motivated to win in this non merely from a practical, self-development position but besides the pride and sense of accomplishment this will convey. On successful completion of this scrutiny, I can seek to specialize in either wrongdoer rehabilitation or staff preparation which I would enjoy. This draws together the scope of experience and involvements I have enjoyed over consecutive old ages and maintain me, foremost and first, actively engaged in working for and alongside others. It is of import for me to develop assertiveness accomplishments and, whilst these have been improved upon over recent old ages, I am cognizant there is a continued demand for development in this country. I need to be pro-active in my ain acquisition, seeking chances and non over-relying on others to merely recognize my demands or chances and do recommendations. Part of this includes my demand to develop and seek out direction preparation and practice/demonstrate the accomplishments I have. It is every bit of import for me to enlist the aid of others in my development. My personal statement highlights how I can go excessively autonomous when I perceive no 1 understands my demands or are truly interested in my development. Seeking a more collaborative attack to my acquisition will non merely breed positive belief in myself and others, it will do the following phase of my calling more rewarding, satisfying, originative and productive every bit good as opening up a wider scope of chances in all countries of my life. The Study Skills Self-Assessment which I completed on 23 October 2007 ( Appendix ) highlighted three chief employability accomplishments I need to develop as: Bettering ain acquisition and public presentation Application of figure ( data aggregation and reading ) Information and engineering proficiency Alongside these, to develop, are my personal properties of Self assurance Flexibility and adaptability Opinion In this self appraisal I besides reflected on my ain specific failings which include being excessively self-critical and non praising my ain accomplishments enough which can impact my ability to be nonsubjective about my public presentation. I have a strong underpinning demand to support others and jump to their deliverance which I have come to see as a hinderance to my ain development and of those I seek to assist. This is a peculiarly of import country for me to turn to as future direction functions will necessitate me to let others to take their ain personal duty and merely offer counsel as appropriate. This ‘rescuer ‘ manner I have is schema-related and I will compose a piece for my portfolio on scheme theory and how this applies to me. Beck, 1967 described a scheme as â€Å" ..a cognitive construction for showing, cryptography, and measuring the stimulation that impingeA on the being † . In short, schemas are the filters or nucleus beliefs we have about oursel ves or the universe around us and, thereby, how we interpret different state of affairss in our lives. The nature of the work I do in wrongdoer rehabilitation requires me to set about regular de-briefing, supervising, annually wellness reappraisals and bi-monthly guidance. This, together with scheme theory and other therapy theoretical accounts I use with captives, which I have besides applied to myself, means I spend a batch of clip being introverted and sharing this with co-workers. Add to this, the personal development elements of the Foundation Degree, means I need to be aware of equilibrating this wealth of self-contemplation with practical stairss for a successful hereafter. One of the press releases for self-appraisal from this class has helped me see what can acquire in the manner of things I want to make. These include hapless clip direction and a deficiency of construction and balance in and between my work, survey and private life. This is of import as I can go frustrated by unneeded last minute efforts to run into deadlines. By holding a clear coherent program I can be after my work and life more efficaciously and, this alone gives me a sense of exhilaration and motive. Appendix V. Study Skills Self Assessment Dowson, Paul. , ( 2004 ) Study Skills Self Assessment, Leeds Metropolitan University Appendix VI. SWOT Analysis Appendix VII Career Values Tool Report Appendix VIII. Infusion from { Accessed 18 February 2011 )Possible benefits of development planningRelevant acquisition and development is more likely to go on in pattern when you are end directed. Learning that is planned is more efficient. Unanticipated acquisition chances are more likely to come to your attending when you are prepared for them. The picks of larning methods are more likely to be appropriate following completion of a development program and their usage can be designed and managed to supply a trim tantrum with your demands and involvements. Motivation and assurance in taking duty for one ‘s ain acquisition can be enhanced.Possible restrictions of development planningThe quality of a completed development program can endure without seasonably and relevant diagnostic information from others. The creative activity of a valid and functional program is peculiarly hard to accomplish without the active support and understanding of others who are relevant to you in your current function. The successful execution of even a well-crafted program is non guaranteed without go oning support and challenge from others.Operating intimationsEnsure that there is ready entree to relevant and valid diagnostic informations in the designation of larning demands. Ensure that there are chances for, potentially, several loops of the program in draft signifier to which relevant others in the administration have the chance to lend by manner of thoughts and information. In taking larning methods, explore and clear up these exhaustively anterior to doing determinations about which to utilize. This may affect treatment and understanding with others who will necessitate to supply clip or other aid. Ensure understanding is reached about larning ends and methods between, for illustration, you and your director. Ensure that clear marks and other ‘mileposts ‘ associated with learning ends are agreed between yourself and other interested parties. Arrange for training or mentoring aid where appropriate to cover both the creative activity and execution of the development program. Appendix IX. Curriculum Vitae Appendix X Research and Employability SkillsResearch accomplishments and techniquesEffective job work outing Independent, critical thought, while analyzing and developing established theory and research Underpining cognition of my work environment Research accomplishments and utilizing these to critically measure my findings and those of others Personal and professional contemplation, concise study composingResearch environmentAwareness of the deepness and comprehensiveness of research and able to contract down the field to guarantee clear focal point of subject. In my functions in programmes I have a good unpinning cognition of ethical pattern and adhere to the Prison Service and British Psychological Society rules of best ethical pattern. Ability to utilize a assortment of agencies to collate informations for concluding analysisResearch directionSet undertaking ends and work towards effectual timescales and work precedences Able to place and entree appropriate bibliographical resources, archives, internet resources and other beginnings of relevant information Information engineering accomplishments to make databases, study authorship, exemplifying and presenting of findings and informations. Illustrated through farther instruction surveies and puting up research undertakings undertaken within work function ( for illustration, establishment a needs analysis for a proposal to make a curative wing at HMP Full Sutton )Personal effectivityA deep desire and ability to larn and get cognition Creative, advanced and original in my attack to research Flexible, non-judgemental and open-minded Strong self-awareness and able to place my ain preparation demands Self-disciplined, motivated, and thorough in set uping and accomplishing best pattern in professional life. Brooding ability to set up my ain boundaries and use all beginnings of support as appropriate Ability to demo inaugural, work independently and am autonomous whilst keeping strong squad values particularly in a leading function. Puting up new processs and protocols. ( For illustration, puting up the Penile Plethysmograph Suite which became a Centre of best pattern and my advice sought at other constitutions. Was cited in the national preparation manuals for processs I created which have been adopted nationally.Communication accomplishmentsA clear and appropriate manner dependent upon intent, e.g. advancement studies, published paperss, undertakings, grudge processs. Articulate in presenting stuffs clearly to a scope of audiences, officially and informally through a assortment of techniques including the usage of Powerpoint. Ability to negociate results whilst assertively defendable of robust personal and professional ethical issues. Strong involvement in developing the acquisition of others through mentoring and supervising.Networking and teamworkAs evidenced throughout my farther instruction surveies, I develop co-operative webs and working relationships with supervisors, co-workers and equals, within my establishment and the wider research community. An apprehension of the behavior of ego and others to enable effectual squad coherence Developed a scope of perceptive feedback accomplishments particularly constructive.Career directionA demonstrated committedness to continued professional development as demonstrated through Foundation Degree and BA ( Hons ) surveies. Ownership of ain calling patterned advance with realistic and accomplishable calling ends which are identified in such as manner as to develop and better employability Movable research accomplishments from farther instruction which can be used within the work environment and other calling chances such as Counselling. Ability to show my accomplishments, personal properties and experiences through effectual CVs, applications and interviews

Friday, September 27, 2019

Research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 9

Research Paper Example Foner reveals that prior to the trial, the defendants enjoyed access to lawyers. Consequently, the defendants had insignificant time for planning defense. 2 He has added that, the defendants appealed against the above ruling on the basis of inadequate legal counsel. Notably, the supreme court of Alabama ruled by a vote of six against one that there was a fair trial. Considerably, it is noteworthy pointing out that Anderson, the chief justice, produced a tough nonconformist opinion that resulted to an appeal to the Supreme Court in the US against the ruling. The Court’s Ruling Hoffmann et al indicates that, during the ruling, the supreme US’s Supreme Court majority opinion overturned and remanded the ruling of the supreme court of Alabama, maintaining that the court had violated the due process. Notably, the Supreme Court’s decision rested on three significant arguments; firstly, the defendants did not receive fair, unbiased and purposeful trial. Secondly, they di d not access the right of counsel, with the familiar consultation incidents and a chance for trial. Lastly, the trial took place before juries chosen racially from unqualified people; hence systematically excluding qualified juries. It is worthwhile noting that the conviction was unlawful since the accused did not access the counsel’s assistance right from their arraignment up to the commencement of their trial. This led to breaching the due process section of the 14th Amendment. Foner indicates `that the section, counsel has to be certain to anybody subject to the likelihood of a death sentence, be it in state or else federal courts.3 Conclusively, our group does not support the court’s ruling because as indicated above, had interfered with state courts; hence, going beyond its jurisdiction. Consequently, our group has agreed with the above discussed dissenting opinions because the trial court had really acted upon the laid down procedures. The only missing point is t he lack of representation for the defendants. However, one should note that a court has its own individual reasons to at times deviate from norms especially if the situation calls for the same. Notably, the US Supreme Court did not conduct situational analysis before delivering its ruling. 4 Consequences/implications of the Ruling Assuming the court it is absolutely devoid of merit, all other claims that the petitioners’ constitutional rights got violated, positions its viewpoint and ruling upon a solitary declaration of reality. Furthermore, the petitioners did not access the right of counsel, with the familiar consultation incidents and preparation opportunity for trial. If this is factual, they were deprived of the due process of law; hence, they were at liberty to have the rulings against them upturned, however, there are no records for such denial. Hoffmann et al argues that nine defendants, together with Patterson, were charged for one condemnation, and he was as well u nconnectedly indicted. As opposed to trying using the en masse, the government provided four trials; hence lessening the risk of error and unfairness that unavoidably attends an effort in a particular trial to determine the culpability or blamelessness of the accused.5 Dissenting opinions If right, the judgment that the malfunction of the trial court to grant petitioners time as

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Response Paper for Deloria's chapter,"Patriotic Indians and Essay

Response Paper for Deloria's chapter,"Patriotic Indians and Identities of Revolution" - Essay Example The chapter delves deeply into various incidences, events and practices that have centralized Indian culture at the heart of American people. Symbolism plays a critical role in every aspect of Indian culture that the author gives credence to for serving the purpose of uniting Americans. Indian culture plays a significant role in the formation of American culture as it is seen as the unifying factor. In this chapter, the author has continued to advance the thesis of the book, which essentially is â€Å"striving to the Indian-like.† Whites in the United States have been depicted as having embraced the Indian culture and made significant effort to look like Native Indians. Deloria takes his readers back to the historic times when the famous Boston Tea Party served as the turning point of America’s journey to independence. The author notes that Americans often disguised themselves as Indians whenever there was a need to express dissatisfaction. The author points out in this chapter that crowds would don in Indian style before demonstrating their dissatisfaction of the political and economic scenarios. For instance, the revolutionaries disguised themselves as Indians and dumped all the tea into the Boston harbor. The disguise was not intended to lay blame on the Indians or complicate the matter over to them (Deloria 34), but a demonstration of unity. The Indian dress s omehow served as uniting symbol for them. The author also suggests that the donning of Indian garb served to lay the first foundation of patriotism. He shows that though oblivious of the role it would serve, the donning of the Indian garb to protest against the British served to lay the foundation of independence. The white Americans from them onwards protested against laws that were demeaning. With such foundation laid, other similar foundations geared towards liberation later followed. The Tammany Society was formed in the aftermath of the Boston Tea Party. The society

Presbycusis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Presbycusis - Essay Example The process of normal hearing starts when sound waves are conducted through the outer ear canal to the eardrum. The eardrum in return vibrates to set the malleus, the incus, and the stapes of the middle ear in motion. These three bones which terminate in the fluid filled opening within the inner ear particularly the snail like structure, cochlea responds to vibrations from the surroundings that are the basis of sound. The chain of command from these three bones triggers the fluid which relays the oscillating currents to the organ of corti. Currents are transferred with the help of the tiny hair projections lining the internal membrane of the cochlea and waving like the smooth underwater plants to move the sound that stimulates nerve endings. Thousands of these nerving endings which merge at the end of the cochlea unite to become the auditory nerve which carries nerve impulses to the hearing area of the cerebral cortex in the brain (Wagman, 1992). Presbycusis which is a progressive he aring loss is caused by defects in the outer, middle or inner ear. Presence of congenital deformities in the outer ear may interfere with the capture of sound waves from the environment that maybe funneled to the ear canal.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Is Everything an Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Is Everything an Argument - Essay Example Several types of argument exist based on the nature and type of the argument. In response to the different social issues, the argument may be classified as forensic, deliberative or ceremonial. Arguments trying to verify or elaborate on the issues of the past are viewed as forensic audit of the past and it involved the explanation of events in the past that may influence and alter the present situations. The presentation of idea will facilitate the development of understanding of the situation while also developing an argument on the idea (Casey, 2012). Forensic arguments are common while explaining issues that occurred in the past such as the women's liberation struggles. In addition, the forensic argument is vital in the creation of chronology of events. The article by Benedict Carey touches on issues that pertains to the effect of gay parenting on the child development and deals with major issues that affect the development of understanding and control of the children. The argumen t by the author is based deliberation. The study of effect of gay marriage on child development is a debatable issue in the society. The author addresses the issues by deliberating within the ideal and the coming situation and addressing the issues via elaboration studies conducted. In the community, several issues need to be deliberated upon in order to develop the necessary conclusion. Deliberation arguments are based on the findings of the research and develop several understanding of the situation. According to article by Carey, the major issues affecting the cognitive development of the children are in the nature of the family set up. According to him, same sex marriage brings creates a non-conducive environment for the children leading to sociological problems in later life (Casey, 2012). The deliberation is supported by several other findings which are stipulated by Casey. In the analysis of the essay, it is evident that the author is relying on the creation of an argument to dispel personal opinion as well as the development of new ideas about the whole situation. In defining the argument several factors are established creating an atmosphere of deliberation as the reader studies the article. Such deliberations are present in other articles with the main objective of passing the information across and creating a perceived conclusion on the document. However, several other arguments exist in writing that are employed or the sole purpose of explanation without offering any guidance or opportunity to address the issues. Such writings are present but will always take the view of the author and can be viewed in the manner of presentation taken by the author.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Defamation and the First Amendment Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Defamation and the First Amendment - Term Paper Example However, what is to be said of the extents of free speech guaranteed Americans in the First Amendment To what point does the First Amendment guarantee that someone may speak freely about someone else, albeit in a negative light Here, it will be examined: what constitutes defamation; what constitutes free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment; and what happens in defamation cases. In other words, defamation of a person can range from someone making a comment or critique in presence of a third party, or can include written communications that a third party sees. (This does not include personal letters to one person that are not seen by a third party.)5 Anything defamatory is considered "that which tends to injure reputationdiminish[es] the esteem, respect, goodwill or confidence in which the plaintiff is held, orexcite[s] adverse, derogatory or unpleasant feelings or opinions against him."6 A communication is considered defamatory "if it tends to harm the reputation of another as to lower him in the estimation of the community or to deter third persons from associating or dealing with him."7 In this instance, the "meaning of a communication is that which the recipient correctly, or mistakenly but reasonably, understands that it was intended to express."8 First Amendment guarantees the freedom of speech, along with the freedom of religion, the press, and peaceful assembly. Specifically, the First Amendment reads as follows: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."9 Madison's original draft of the First Amendment read, 'The people shall not be deprived or abridged of their right to speak, to write, or to publish their sentiments; and the freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable.''10 If it had been approved, this would have probably been a much more liberal version of the amendment than we have now. To speak, write, and publish one's sentiments without being deprived or abrid

Monday, September 23, 2019

Sustainable Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Sustainable Development - Essay Example Theoretically speaking, all developmental activities can be carried out in an entirely sustainable manner, and that is in no way a thing that is impossible to achieve. But the real-life scenario is something totally different. For the purpose of successfully implementing various measures that are aimed at bringing about sustainable development many political issues and other challenges have to be confronted. As a matter of fact, all such matters are chiefly responsible for the current state of affairs, where a lot is still undone in the realm (of sustainable development) (1)Sustainable DevelopmentEven though the concept of sustainable development is indeed a noble one, yet, much progress has not been displayed, till date. Perhaps, the chief factor for this is that, many people do not have a clear understanding of the term. Overall, the concept is rather ambiguous, conveying different meanings. (1)As mentioned earlier, several summits and conferences aimed at promoting sustainable dev elopment have been taking place, on the International landscape. For instance, the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) came into existence in the year 1992. Apart from the European Union, a total of 192 countries were a part of that convention. A decade later, in the year 2002, all of those regions gave a solemn commitment that the rate at which the Globe is losing its biodiversity would be reduced, over the subsequent eight years. But that did not happen, as is evident by the corresponding scenario., even as the year 2010 came to an end. (1) The concept of sustainable development has both a strong point and also a shortcoming. Numerous political and economic entities of the World have been brought on a common platform, by sustainable development. That denotes the concept’s strong point. But at the same time, none of those parties have been successful in initiating any practical policies that substantially contribute towards the cause of sustainable development. (3) Sustainable Development and Economy Many people are having the misconception that, by adhering to the norms of sustainable development, a growth economy cannot be realized, and that it leads to a steady-state economy. That is nothing but just a myth, and the following would clearly explain this. It needs to be noted that sustainable development endeavors to meet the needs of the present, by fully keeping in view the well-being of the future. Here, the vital point worth mentioning is that, all those needs can be successfully met only by achieving required economic growth. Similarly, all the standards of this concept can be successfully implemented only when there is economic prosperity. To put the matter in a nutshell, economic growth and sustainability are strongly connected with each other. And meticulous adherence to the guidelines of the latter would

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How illiteracy influences people’s life Essay Example for Free

How illiteracy influences people’s life Essay In the movie, The Reader, Kate Winslet played the role of Hanna Schmitz, an illiterate train conductor who was sent to jail without even understanding what she has done wrong. When Hanna said the line, I would rather listen to you , I was moved because these few words allowed me to empathize with people who are illiterate. It gave me a glimpse of the feelings of helplessness and frustration they must encounter in their everyday life. The movie also showed me how illiteracy can affect a persons life. Because of the fact that they do not have access to the information the rest of the world has, they end up being enslaved by the opinions of the literate. It is impossible for them to construct opinions as they do lack the details needed to create one. At the same time, they are forced to be dependent on people who can provide them with this information. They are also under the mercy of people who have knowledge in the written law. The movie also showed me how humbling it must be not to be able to read or write. At the start of the movie, she had an affair with a man half her age. And, whenever the man would read for her, her seniority faded away because of the way she would act like a child waiting for her father to read her a bed time story. Hannas story shows how important being literate is. It plays an important role in a persons life as it can change his or her destiny. In this essay, I would like to talk about the changes and effects of literacy to a persons mind and life. I would like to show how literacy can give intellect and power to a person by going through the works of Staple, Douglass and Kozel which they created in order to emphasize the importance of literacy in the democratic world. Brent Staple, an author and editorial writer for the New York Times, recounted the way his grandfather changed his life by learning how to read. In one of his articles, he wrote: Name of Author 2- â€Å"Nevertheless, the ability to read and write gave them a vantage point on their circumstances and protected them from swindlers who regularly stripped illiterate people of land and other assets. † (p. 1) Staples grandfather was able to gain his independence by learning how to read and write. He also learned how to distinguish what is good from what is bad, what can benefit him and what can ruin his life. He also found himself with the power to think and give his opinion as he now has a better grasp of the issues around him. Armed with the knowledge he was able to acquire from reading, he found the power to make his own decisions and fight for his rights. He was able to free himself from the prison of other peoples thoughts. Another writer, Frederick Douglass, who is famous for his line: I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong, wrote an article that is parallel to Staples article in the way that he talked about the way literacy influenced his life and his thinking. Douglass story, however, is quite different from that of Staples grandfather. In his story, he recounted that he learned how to read in secret with the fear of being beaten. Being born a slave, Douglass was passed on from one owner to another. The wife of one his owners taught him the alphabet even though she knew that there was a law against teaching slaves how to read. Her husband obviously disapproved about this when he found out. He believed that a slave who gains literacy will be unsatisfied with his condition and yearn for freedom. Even with the threat of being caught and beaten up, Douglass learned how to read with the help of the white children in the neighborhood. He also did his best to observe the way the order white men would write. His perspective changed after he has attained literacy. Douglas realized that black men are not brutes or savages who should be limited to working as a slave, Name of Author 3 they have the right to be educated and respected. As his master predicted, he yearned for the freedom that the white people have. As he continues to learn how to read and write, Douglass attitude to life is gradually transformed by literacy. Douglass mentions in the article: â€Å"I read them over and over again with unabated interest. They give tongue to interesting thought of my own soul†¦. The moral which I gained from the dialogue was the power of truth over the conscience of even a slaveholder. † (p. 45) By learning how to read and write, Douglass learned not only the meaning of words and sentences, but the power of knowledge. He slowly became aware of his rights as a human being and how unfairly the black people have been treated. He also realized that illiteracy is the reason why the white people were able to enslave his race for so long. Not only did illiteracy keep them unaware of their rights, it also made them unable to think for themselves, to distinguish from right and wrong, what is harmful and what is not. It also stopped them from acquiring the knowledge that they need to pursue their freedom. Hence, they were influenced by the white people to believe that their only purpose in life was to work for them. With his newfound knowledge, he was able to change his life and gain his freedom. At the same time, having appreciated the value of literacy, he passed on the knowledge to other slaves, giving them the opportunity to change their own lives. In Kozol’s article, he focuses on how illiteracy can threaten a persons way of life and thinking. He believes that one will never really have ability to protect himself if he is illiterate because he is always unaware of whats going on. He cant read the strange signs on the street that warns him of danger or tells him that he is breaking the law. Neither can he read legal documents, making him vulnerable to being swindled. He is also unaware of his rights. Kozol Name of Author – 4 says, â€Å" They do not know what rights they have, what deadlines and requirements they face, what option they might choose to exercise. They are half-citizens. Their right exist I print but not in fact. † (52-53) They cannot protect their own rights since they dont know what their rights are. Neither can they apply their rights or make a choice because they do not know what their options are. The same points were tackled by Douglas in his article when he said that black people were treated like slaves because they were not literate and were not given the chance to know that they do not have to limit themselves to such a status. They just thought that would go through this nightmare for the rest of their lives because no one could save them. What they didnt know was they couldve saved themselves had they known that they had rights to fight for. If they had been literate, they would have realized that they are not slaves and they have right to be educated and respected because they are humans. Illiteracy, however, has exiled them to such an nightmarish existence where their destiny is dictated by their masters. Now literacy still plays the most important role in society. If you are not able to read and write, it would be really hard for you to live. You wouldnt know how to deal with a lot of things. You wouldnt know what is right or wrong, what would benefit you and what would harm you. Because of the numerous things that you do not know, your lack of knowledge can bring you harm. At the same time, your lack of knowledge, stops you from having your own beliefs or opinions. And, since you have know access to the options you can choose from, you end up believing that there are none and the only thing you can do is follow what the other people are doing or to have the same opinion as they do. Without literacy, all the people can do is follow and obey, allowing other people to take charge of their own lives. If a country is filled with illiterate people then democracy is useless since the mindless majority can be controlled by the Name of Author 5- government and the votes of those who are literate and have their own minds can be surpassed by those who arent. If that is the case, then the government can become a dictator in the guise of democracy. Hence, it is safe to say that without the presence of literacy, there is no knowledge. Without knowledge, there are no choices. And, without knowledge, there is no freedom which is the very essence of democracy.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Impact of the Textile Industry on Pakistans Economy

Impact of the Textile Industry on Pakistans Economy CHAPTER 1 The study investigated the effects of textile industry on the growth of economy of Pakistan before and after establishment of world trade organization, 1995. The aim of the study was to gain insight about the effects of textile industry on the growth of Pakistans economy. The reason for selecting the topic The effects of textile industry on the growth of economy of Pakistan before and after establishment of world trade organization, 1995 was to explore this topic in Pakistan that how our textile industry is directly affects our economy. Although there are many researches conducted just to explore that how Pakistans economy is affected before and after the establishment of world trade organization. Industry is considered as the basic element of any country especially textile industry contributes significantly to the countrys GDP (Gross domestic product), exports as well as employment. The textile industry is one of the most important sectors of Pakistan. It is, in fact, the backbone of the Pakistani economy. It has a total established spinning capacity of 1550 million kgs of yarn, weaving capacity of 4368 million square meters of fabric and finishing capacity of 4000 million square meters. The industry has a production capacity of 670 million units of garments, 400 million units of knitwear and 53 million kgs of towels. The industry has a total of 1221 units engaged in ginning and 442 units engaged in spinning. There are around 124 large units that undertake weaving and 425 small units. There are around 20600 power looms in operation in the industry. The industry also houses around 10 large finishing units and 625 small units. Pakistani textile industry has about 50 large and 2500 small garment manufacturing units. Moreover, it also houses around 600 knitwear-producing units and 400 towel-producing units. According to Dr. Mirza Ikhtiar Baig (2010) the current global situation of the textile industry and the share of the Pakistan in global textile industry is the main subject of our topic. The textile demand in the world increased massively in last few decades. The global share of the textile increase about 18$ trillion and it is expected to increase 6.5% in future year. China is known as the major exporter country of the textile goods in the world. The world wide textile export is around 400$ billion. The Asian Countries have the major share in global textile export .The share of the china is around 55$ billion, the share of the Hong Kong is around 38$ billion, the share of the Korea is around 35$ billion, the share of the Taiwan is around 16$ billion and the share of the Indonesia is around 9$ billion, India also emerged as the major exporter of textile goods. In case of Pakistan, Pakistan also emerged as the textile exporter in the world. Pakistan emerged as the major exporter of th e cotton and cotton yarn, Pakistan export the 30% of textile cotton yarn and 8% cotton fabric to the world. Pakistan total textile export is 7.4$ billion in 2002 which account the 1.2% share in the world textile export. Pakistan mostly exports the textile raw materials to the world and did not export the value added items, this is the main problem of Pakistan textile sector. Pakistan should learn from Bangladesh who imports the raw cotton from Pakistan and other countries and then made the value added items and export it to the world. If we want to increase our textile revenue then we focus on the value added items in future exports. 1: TEXTILE INDUSTRY IN Nationwide Financial System: Fabric visualization-2005 has been aimed at an open market, unique, market driven and vibrant textile sector, which is globally incorporated, worldwide spirited and fully equipped to abuse the opportunities shaped by Fabric goods are the vital individual necessities after then food. Textile sector in Pakistan playing the important role in the growth of our national economy, it has the big share in our GDP growth rate. It is playing the impotent role in our export sector, employment sector and investment sector. It has the major share in our foreign exchange earnings. It has the largest share in our manufacturing sector. Textile share in overall manufacturing is about 46%; foreign export earning is about 68% and 38% share in services sector. In spite of the governments efforts to diversify the exports sector and as well as industrial sector, the textiles sector of Pakistan still the backbone of industrial activity in the country. FABRIC VISUALIZATION 2005: According to survey (2005) Fabric visualization 2005 is a vision about the new techniques introduce in sector. The vision about the, free entry and exist, barrier free markets, concept of competitive markets, dynamic and innovative which is internationally integrated and fully equipped to exploit opportunities created by the Multi Fiber arrangement at international level. At present Pakistan hold the 8th position in Asian countries Pakistan can take the 5th or 4th position if Pakistan fully exploits the opportunities created by MFA. THE FUTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEXTILE EXPORTS The development of the textile industry is heavily depending upon the GATT rounds which ultimately become the reason of the establishment of WTO in 1995. The main agenda of the GATT rounds is to obligation of quotas system, unilaterally, bilaterally, multilaterally in the textile sector. It means that there will be no quota on textile products. Pakistan is also the member of the GATT rounds and then after the member of the WTO and the benefits of the GATT rules. In GATT rounds and WTO, USA and EU was in favor of the some restriction on Chinas textile exports. Pakistan and India treated most favorite nation because both are the founding nations. 1.1.3. QUOTA NATIONS PART IN PSKISTANS TEXTILE EXPORTS USA 44.5% EU 50% CANADA 1.7% TURKEY 3.6% 1.1.4. STRENGTH AND LIMITATIONS OF PAKISTAN: The share of the textile sector of overall world export is around 6%, which is accounted nearly370$ billion. The share of the clothing goods is around 210$ billion and remaining the share of the yarn and raw cotton. In case of Pakistan, the textile sector has the major share in Pakistan export. The 60% to 70% export of the Pakistan is depend on the textile sector which is accounted nearly 7$billion in year 2002-2003.The share of the raw cotton and yarn is about 30% and share of the fabric is nearly 35% (Ayesha Fayyaz, 2010). 1: The 15 EU members countries are the highly developed countries of the world and they are the main importers of textile goods. On 1st may 2004 the ten others countries are also join the EU, these 10 newly members are comparatively less developed and more economical to compare with 15 countries thus EU companies relocate their units in those countries for cheap textile manufacturing and export more textile goods. The EU export increased and became 11% of the world textile export. 2. The EU members countries increase the employment level in this sector. Thats why they are more focus on development of this sector. The 2.5 to 3.5 million people are employed in this sector. 3. Presently another threat of Pakistani exporter is that if EU withdraws his 0% duty under EU GSP scheme, then Pakistani exporters face the damages in her expert volume. 4. In case of the USA more than one million people are employed in the textile sector. In USA there are thousands of companies who produce the textile goods. The companies mainly in South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia and state of Alabama. These state protested against the 0% duty on textile goods. After the establishment of WTO and Asian crises nearly 250 units shut down and more then two laces people lost their jobs. Thus in 2004-2005 the USA Government impose the quota with different percentage on textile goods. Composition of Quota Goods USA EU CANADA TURKEY TOTAL Fabric 69% 12.4% Quota free 2.2% 21.5% Garments 30% 18.4% 1.1% 0% 49.5% Made Up 7.6% 17.2% 0.6% 0% 25.4% Yarn Quota free 2.2% Quota free 1.4% 3.6% Total 44.6% 52.2% 1.7% 3.6% 100% At present USA will also concentrate on the high tech textile goods to compete the modern world. USA focuses on non-woven, particularly focus on the hygiene products like childrens diapers and wipes, feminine hygiene, adult incontinence and highly end fashion items, particularly for womens wear. USA and EU wants the better market access to their textile products and on the other hand they also want to implement the rules of the WTO on tariffs, quota and intellectual property rights. They also want to implement the rules which are mentioned in GATS and WTO like environmental conditions, laborers facilities, wage rate and tax collection system. Pakistani exporters will prepare to fight these challenges of the modern world. USA imposes safety measures on textile exports, which can also effect on Pakistan exports, but the Pakistani exporters having the chance to get the benefit from the quota restriction on China and Vietnam imposed by the USA in 2005 as cited in Dawn News the Economist Magazines (2000). Corporation in different sectors is key to success; if the Pakistan Government and the private sectors cooperate with each other it is beneficial for the Pakistan textile industry. The government should be encouraged of production of MMF synthetics, and the private sector should be encouraged the buffer stock scheme of cotton and stock pile schemes. The Government should reduce the duties on textile machinery and other equipments. The Pakistan Government should provide the facilities to the exporters to start the business. The cost of start new business in Pakistan is very high to compare with the regional countries so the Government, Ministry of Commerce and Stat Bank of Pakistan should take steps to facilitate the business man. The ministry of Commerce focuses on three weakest links in the textile like dying, marketing and ginning. The Government of Pakistan and State bank of Pakistan should provide loans to the exporters to expand her businesses and improve the quality of the goods at international standard. The interest rate on the loans must be low to compare with market. 1.1.5. RISE IN FABRIC EXPORTS MANUFACTURING IN PAK: In international market there sharp propaganda against the quality of the Pakistan textile products. Pakistan faced the challenges of the high quality and the competition with the regional countries. After the abolition of the textile quota from January 2005 Pakistan surprised the all competitive countries to increase its global share of exports and get additional foreign exchange. Pakistan also improve its quality of the textile products thats became the reason to earn extra revenue. According to The Nations Money magazine (2005) after the abolition of the quota free world trade on textile products the Pakistan textile sector earns 3.6$ billion through exporting textile products, which show the 10% growth over the corresponding period of the last year. The different textile experts having the opinion that the textile exports of the Pakistan is expected to increase 5$ billion during the first six months after the abolition of the quota regime (January June 2005). The total export of the year 2004- 2005 is expected to increase 8.5$ billion. In 11 months of year 2005 the textile industry of Pakistan earn 7.70$ billion worth of foreign exchange earnings, which show the significantly increase in the foreign exchange earnings to compare with the previous years. In May 2005 the textile exports of the Pakistan increase 830$ million as against 650$ million in April, its show the pleasant trend in textile sector of Pakistan. The Pakistani textile manufacturers are very optimistic in nature and want to increase the international share, and they have target to increase the exports around 10$ billion US dollars. The textile industry can achieve this target; if the industry is steadily increase its exports share in the international market. The Pakistani textile manufacturers claim that the textile products such as, yarn, fabrics, cloth and bed linen are the most competitive items in the world, the quality of these products are very fine to compare with other world. These items have a major share in our overall textile exports. They claim that the leading textile producers and the exporters of the world like China, Germany, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka import these products from Pakistan and convert them into high fashion items and export the world. After few months of establishing the quota-free global trade of textile, the knitwear and readymade garment sectors in Pakistan faced a pressure, but now these two segments of the Pakistan textile industry also show improvement in manufacturing of the products. The other segments of the Pakistan textile like yarn, bed linen, clothing, are doing well before and after the new WTO regime. Since 1999 to 2005 a sizeable investment nearly 5$ billion to 6$ billion US dollars are invested in Pakistan, which have pleasant effects on local textile industry. There is huge investment in Pakistan textile industry; this investment developed the textile sector. The investment in the textile sector is divided between different segments of the industry. The spinning has made 46% of the total investment; the weaving sector has made 24%. Textile processing has made 12%, made-up 8%, knitwear and garments 5%and 5% invest in the synthetic textile sector. The textile industry of Pakistan is expected to receive investment more than 6$ billion US dollars by the year 2010 and this investment will increase the capacity and the quality of the products. According Tariq Mahmood Acting chairman all Pakistan mills association The USA imposed some restriction on Chinese textile products; this restriction is also beneficial for the Pakistan textile exporters. The EU and USA gives the bulk of the textile orders to the Pakistan because the Pakistan has the capacity to achieve the target on time. Presently the USA and Europe became the major market of Pakistan textile products, and Pakistan generates large amount of the revenue. . Soon after launching the quota-free international trade under the rules of WTO, Chinese started marketing their textile products vigorously in the USA, Europe and other major consumer countries of the world and wants to capture the local market. This behavior of the china badly damaged the local textile industry of the Europe and USA, and ultimately this became the reason of the trade war between china and EU, USA so the EU and USA wants to impose some restriction on textile products. For the last few days a tug of war started between china and USA on the issues of the revaluation of the Yuan (Chinese currency), Dumping, terrifies and this war between USA and China is beneficial for the Pakistan textile sector. The Tsunami factor had also become the reason of the development of the Pakistani textile industry, because Tsunami heavily damaged the textile industry of the Indonesia, India and Bangladesh. The re-location of the textile industry in EU and USA had also beneficial for the Pakistani textile exporters, because they mostly fulfils there textile needs from Pakistan. They import the different products from Pakistan and used it in her products. The textile industry of Pakistan had equipped itself at the international standard after the abolition of the quota system and imports the advanced textile machinery to improve the capacity and quality. The textile sector invest more than 4$billion US dollars in last four to five years, investment on the latest machinery, infrastructure, communication, expansion, manpower and designing. The industry believes that this investment in industry will comfortably meet the up comings challenges of the advanced world. Cotton is the basic need of the textile industry, and Pakistan is the leading producer of the cotton in the world. Pakistan producing the 12 to 14 million bales of the cotton annually. The Government of Pakistan should take step to promote the research on cotton which increases the production and the quality of the cotton; through research on cotton we can produce the disease free cotton. After the abolition of the quota system the textile industry has believe to need the 16 million bales of cotton annually, the 14 million of bales produce locally and 2 million of bales import from the other countries. If we focus on the research we can fulfils the need of textile industry, and also export the other countries. 1.1.6. Complication and Problems in Textile Investment Lack of road and rail network facilities in the country. Poor management by the different governmental agencies. Bad governance and poor law and order condition in the country (especially in Karachi and Khyber Pukhtunkhawah. Bad image of Pakistan portrayed by the international media and international agencies. Warnings, which are issued by the foreign countries to their citizens to stop travelling of Pakistan is also the big hurdle in Pakistan development. Pakistan is the member of the WTO and signs many international agreements like intellectual property rights and international arbitration agreements which enforce Pakistan to obey the rules. Poor communication facilities are also the major hurdle in Pakistan textile development. Corruption in Governmental department is also the major issue of the Pakistan development. Severe electricity shortfall in the country. Financial instability in the country which became the reason of the decrease in foreign investment. Our utility rates are too much high to compare with the regional countries. Our tax collection system is very weak, which also one of the main hurdle in our development. Energy crises in the country (crises in natural gas/ crises in the accessibility of petrol). The good quality soft water is not available for our textile sector (especially in Karachi). Negative impact of SROs culture. 1.2. MOTIVATION OF RESEARCH: There is a need to explore the factors influencing the overall productivity and development of the textile industry of Pakistan and the problems faced by the textile industry of Pakistan, so that it can help the policy makers to shape the different policies to tackle with the various issues of the textile industry, and it can only be done with the help of the research. There is a need to conduct study on this topic so that it can be beneficial for the individuals as well as the Pakistans economy. The issues faced by the textile industry at current need to be studied and can only be solved through proper policy implications. There is a need to explain the various factors affecting the textile industry of Pakistan so that the policy makers have an idea to explore the responsiveness of the textile industry due to current trade policies which will in turn help them to identify the different policy measures to enhance the textile industry in our country. 1.3. RESEARCH QUESTION: It is believed that the textile industry acts as the backbone of any economy, and the development and prosperity of the economy depends largely on the development of this sector. Here in this research, an attempt is made to study the effect of textile industry on the growth of the economy before and after the establishment of WTO (1995) from 1947 till current. The basic research question arises from the discussion is that whether the textile industry contributed positively towards economic growth in the country? The research tries to find out the accurate answers of this question by using econometric models. 1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: The textile industry acts as the backbone of any economy, and the development and prosperity of the economy depends largely on the development of this sector. This study was conducted how the textile industry is contributing significantly towards economic growth 1.4.1 HYPOTHESIS: H0 Textile industry does not directly related to the development of the economy. H1 Textile industry directly related to the development of the economy CHAPTER 2: BACKGROUND According to Dawn News the Economist Magazines (2008), in 1947 after self-rule, only two textile mills were working with 80,000 spindles and 3,000 looms. At that time our domestic need was 8 % only. 1950 The organized development of cotton textile mills started in the late 50s. In 1952 PIDC and in 1953 Vatika Textile Mill at Karachi was organized. 1960 By mid 60s about 180 units of textile bleaching, printing and processing units in Pakistan. A number of spinning units comprising of only 12,500 spindles were set up. Newly established mills were based upon imported technology but there was lack of technical staff and shortage of capitals. Pakistans textile industry has lost its relatively more prominent position of the 1960s and 1970s, and today holds a little over 2 per cent of the world market. Pakistan enjoyed a very dynamic performance in the 1960s, and was among the leading; underdeveloped countries that were emerging in the world cotton textile market. In fact, Pakistans record was quite envious, as between 1962 and 1970 it cornered over 11 per cent of the world market (Admin, 2010). 1970 During the era of 70-71 there were 113 textile units and the industry had 2,605 spindles and 30 thousands looms. After the separation of East Pakistan, Cotton Export Corporation of Pakistan was established this meant that most of the private sector was taken over by the state. The textile industry suffered heavy looses because the export cotton controlled by CEC (Cotton Export Corporation of Pakistan), and the import of machinery was made difficult due to shortages of foreign exchange (Admin, 2010). 1980 This phase brought a relief to the textile Industry of Pakistan. There was a rapid growth in spinning sector. Till 1980-81 spinning continued to expand to 4033 thousand spindles in 203 spinning units, and working capacity amounted to 2833 thousand spindles. The textile sector holds a very important position in Pakistans economy in terms of employment value added and exports. It has the highest manufacturing value added for any industry amounting to 17.5 per cent. Similarly, about one-third of the entire manufactured employment is in the textile sector. In terms of exports, approximately 30 per cent of Pakistans total export came from cotton textiles in 1990/1, up from 20 per cent in 1982-3. Cotton yarns contribution to exports increased from 10 in 1982 to 18 percent in 1990. 1990 Machinery for producing garments and made-up was also freed from import duty. As a result, a huge expansion in the spinning sector took place in the first five years of the 1990s. World demand for good quality, wide width fabrics grew and replacement and a modernization process started. With these developments, production and export value-added items such as bed-sheets and home furnishing started. Structural changes with the replacement of outdated machinery and modernization in the industry still continued in view of world competition. In 1991-92 Pakistan produced a record high crop of 12.8 million bales.1993 to 1998; Pakistan recorded a development of 101% per year in cloth manufacture while its position is third after China and India in the world wide yarn manufacturing. The place of Pakistans textile manufacturing relatively persist and further following the full execution of WTO (World Trade Organization) contract from 2005 beyond when a period of open trade will establish internationally. In 2000-2001 Pakistans Cotton production and consumption was almost equal around 10.45 million bales (Arshiya Fayyaz, 2008). World Trade Organization and textile industry: World Trade Organization (WTO) a foreign organization which support deal between member countries, look after nationwide trade contracts and resolves disputes when they arise (Business dictionary, 2010). According to Kimberly Amadeo, the WTO (World Trade Organization) is a set where associate administration goes, to try to solve the trade issues they face with one another. At its heart are the WTO agreements, discussed and noticed by the volume of the worlds dealing states. But the WTO is not just about relaxing trade, but in some conditions its rules hold up trade blockade for example to defend clients, avoid the increase of virus or look after the atmosphere. World Trade Organizations (WTO) Impact on Textile Industry in Pakistan: According to Jabir Rafique The contract on fabric and clothes, which were ingredient of the Uruguay Round trade discussions; aim to abolish the component of inequity in textile and clothing. An agreement on textile and clothing (ATC) actually does is to give marketplace entrà ©e to developing nations and does these throughout two belongings. A: amalgamation B: development tariff We should not observe the scientific feature of ATC (agreements on textile and clothing) now, but focus on what is happening since January 1, 2005. There is a crowd of questions that would turn into greatly important for trade in textiles and apparel. Pakistans exports of textiles and apparel are probable to rise 8-billion us dollars score in 2003-04 to previous years about US$7-billion exports, current sky-scraping prices of yarn not withstanding. Pakistan will face equally intimidation and opportunities from January 1, 2005. The fundamental problem which will crash exports in 2004, but not yet determined are: Whether the EU (European Union) and U.S.A. will permit carry-forward in 2004 as required by all rising nations. Whether delivery received January 1, 2005 beyond will be free irrespective of the year of delivery or may be, for these, suitable quota permit could be essential, or these supplies may be drove back or taken away by customs. How the EU make a strategy to contract with free activities of supplies from the 10 fresh associate nations which will connect the Europe union on May 1, 2004. Pakistan by no means is capable to completely use part available to it; usually, 25% of the quotas stay unutilized. The proportion consumption of quotas remains unutilized. In 2002, an entirety amount of 4,646 million cube meters be offered to Pakistan from the listed nations. An amount of 1,147 million stays unutilized. Per unit price obtain in 2002; the unutilized value explains US$600 million (Osaka Senken, 2004). Cotton and fabrics have the greatest industrialized base. In the previous years, the section of knitwear, blanket, dry items and chosen stuff of handy clothes have shown an significant increasing trend in exports. Though, the Pakistani cloth mill is comparatively weak in artificial fiber goods, natural fiber clothes and fancy clothing. The impact of complete addition is probable to hit this sector hard. Because of back-loading, the limitations would stay in place till the end of 2004. As a result, no alteration era would be offered to the manufacturing. This unexpected swap from a limited to a open atmosphere would surely attach to the alteration difficulties of untrained units (Osaka Senken, 2004). The further influential feature since January 1, 2005 will be: Skills on which there has not been adequate center until now. The customary vision of negotiators, so as to contemptible employment and a rich delivery of yarn is not true any longer. After that is user flavor. Requirement for cotton and for fabric and clothing is common. So we should develop a spirited benefit on the goods and services that we had a relatively gain on it. While there will be no restrictions on exports; however rivalry from China and the Asian tigers with apparent additions in the non-tariff fence should be kept in view. Uruguay round was established because it was thought that in year 2005 this round would be a round to end other rounds. EU, Japan and other countries made a lobby to initiate a new round. In November 2001, 4th WTO Ministerial meeting, the Doha expansion program, basically the start of a new polygonal trade negotiation round was certified. Fresh problems were raised, and these problems were discussed in 2005. The 5th Ministerial Conference commence in Cancum, Mexico gave the notion that the urbanized world required to eat its cake and have it too. On the other hand the unpleasant act, skill, transformation, important reserves, marketplace, particular tax talks and particular local provision should be followed. To sum up, the Pakistani cloth manufacturing should not relay on usual marketplace, models and conventional ways, because there is no assurance that the offered model will persist as it is.. CHAPTER 3:  LITERATURE REVIEW Dr. Noor Ahmed Mammon, (2010) analyzed the establishment and development of the denim sub sector. According to him, the weaving part in Pakistan generally is paying intense attention to the significant success of the denim sub sector. The clothing industry of Pakistan openly benefits from the latest developments in the denim adding up advanced price to the textile formed in Pakistan. The Denim area in Pakistan still much smaller in terms of scale is leading the system for the whole industry. Aftab A Khan Mehreen Khan (2010) examine the challenges of this decades, and examine that Pakistan faces the toughest challenges in this decades. According to their research the internal condition of Pakistan is very bad and the exporters face the huge challenges. The exporters of Pakistan face crises of electricity breakdown, Shortfall of Gas, high inflation rate, political instability, terrorism, high interest rate, and problem of the foreign visas. According to their report the Government of Pakistan should take steps to solve these problems because textile industry is backbone of our exports. Jodie Keane et al, (2008) examine the job of fabric and clothing industry in enlargement and expansion strategies in developing countries. They propose that textile and clothing industry are significant in economic and social conditions, in the short-run by providing income, jobs, particularly for women, and foreign exchange receipts and in the long-run by providing countries the chance for continued economic growth. According to them, the potential of the fabric and clothing industry to contribute to long-run expansion and progress will depend not only on the characteristics of the investor, but also on the worth as well as efficiency of government policies and institutions in rising countries to put up on this deal. Dr. A. Ali Mohammad Munir (2008) analyzed the Pakistans textile export in international market. They analyze that the share of the bed wear, towels and knitwear has increased over the last six to seven years and they became the major export of our textile sector. The share of the other textile items like hosiery, denim and other textile items remained inactive and changed marginally. The study also tell that after the quota free regime in textile the competition increased too much so Pakistan need to focus on the quality of the product. Afia Malik, (2004) examines the situation of Pakistan textile industry after the establishment of WTO (1995). After the establishment of WTO in 1995 the trade